Wednesday 30 April 2008

Angelina's lips top plastic surgery request

Angelina's lips top plastic surgery request

Eyes wish Katie Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., the sultry eelpout of Angelina Jolie and a body like Jessica Biel are the looks to the highest degree plastic surgical procedure patients in Beverly Hills desire, according to a fresh survey.
The particular attributes of the three actresses topped the list of the annual 'Hollywood's Hottest Looks' survey by the Beverly Hills Institute of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.
According to doctors Richard Fleming and Toby fillpot jug Mayer, their clients ask for plastic surgery not to seem exactly like a specific lead, just to replicate a distinct lineament of various renown faces and bodies.
The to the highest degree requested double female nose was that of 'Grey's Anatomy' star Katherine Heigl, spell British people actress Keira Knightley was tops in the impudence department, and City of Light Hilton had the most sought-after cutis.
The features most desired by hands were Da Vinci DiCaprio's nose, association football player David Beckham's body and the blueness eyes of the latest James Bond player, Book of the Prophet Daniel Craig. George Clooney's cheeks and Lustrelessness Damon's lips as well got upside billing.
Dr Alexander Fleming said: "Our patients uphold to turn to Hollywood to raise their standard of stunner. Our patients want to look rested, energetic and, virtually of totally, youthful care the celebrities they see in glossy magazines."